39 Weeks Pregnant: Symptoms, Baby Development, Labor & Delivery Tips

39 Weeks Pregnant

In the heart-stopping countdown of your glorious pregnancy journey, the 39th week is filled with suspense, excitement and anticipation that challenges every nerve of your awaiting heart. As you stand on the majestic threshold of motherhood, this week has a story filled with unique symptoms, baby developmental surprises and often a touch of chaos. In this blog post, we will walk hand in hand through these exhilarating times together, making sense of each bodily cue, understanding every move your little one makes inside the cocoon and arming you with effective labor and delivery tips to prepare you for that coveted moment: when you finally meet eyes with your beautiful baby. Who said last-minute preparations have to be terrifying? With the right guidance at the core of your 39-week rendezvous, they’ll turn into a joyous welcome prelude instead! So let’s embark upon this enlightening exploration that brings parenthood closer than ever.

At 39 weeks pregnant, common symptoms may include possible water breaking, experiencing lightning crotch (shooting pains), snacking instead of big meals due to a crowding uterus, and at-home facial masks for skincare. Signs of labor to watch for include the rupture of membranes, spurts of energy, loss of the mucus plug, bloody show, diarrhea or nausea. It’s important to note that every pregnancy is unique and if you suspect you are in labor or have concerns, please contact your healthcare provider.

39 Weeks Pregnant: Baby Development

As you reach the 39th week of pregnancy, your baby’s development is nearing completion. At this stage, their brain growth is still in progress, with the size increasing by a remarkable 30% over the past four weeks. This rapid growth signifies the final preparations for life outside the womb. Moreover, another notable change is that your baby’s skin has turned whitish or whitish-grayish. Although it may appear pale now, don’t worry, as their skin won’t have full pigmentation until after birth.

Size & Weight of Baby

At 39 weeks pregnant, your baby has likely reached their birth weight range of 6 to 9 pounds. However, keep in mind that each baby is unique and may have slight variations from the average range. The size of your baby can be compared to that of a watermelon, snugly nestled within your uterus. As they continue to grow and develop, their movements might feel more restricted due to the limited space inside.

It’s fascinating to think about how much your baby has transformed from a tiny embryo to a fully formed little human being over the course of these nine months. As you enter the final stretch of pregnancy, it’s important to prepare both physically and emotionally for labor and delivery.

With your baby’s development nearing completion and an understanding of their size and weight at this stage, let’s turn our attention to the signs of labor you should watch out for and some helpful tips for an easier delivery.

Brain Growth & Skin Changes

At 39 weeks pregnant, your baby is almost ready to make their grand entrance into the world. Their incredible journey of development continues, with continuous brain growth being a notable highlight. Over the past four weeks, your baby’s brain size has increased an astonishing 30%. This rapid growth is essential for their cognitive and neurological development once they are born. So while you eagerly await meeting your little one, take comfort in knowing that their brain is undergoing significant changes in preparation for all the learning and growth that lies ahead.

Just like a tiny seed turning into a flourishing tree, your baby’s brain is sprouting and expanding with every passing day.

Another fascinating change happening within your baby’s body is the transformation of their skin. By now, you might notice that your baby’s skin has turned whitish or whitish-grayish in color. Don’t worry; this is completely normal! Before birth, their skin lacks pigmentation, which will develop over time after they enter the world. So don’t be surprised if your baby’s skin tone looks different at first than what you were expecting. It will gradually evolve as they grow and adjust to life outside the womb.

Now that we’ve explored how your baby’s brain and skin are developing, let’s dive into some common symptoms and physical changes you may experience at 39 weeks pregnant.

Symptoms & Physical Changes

As you near the end of your pregnancy journey, various symptoms and physical changes become more prominent. Here are a few aspects to keep in mind:

  1. Water Breaking: You may experience the rupture of membranes, also known as your water breaking. This occurs when the amniotic sac surrounding the baby ruptures, leading to a slow trickle or sudden gush of fluid from your vagina.
  2. Lightning Crotch: You might feel sharp shooting pains radiating from your cervix to your lower abdomen and thighs. This sensation, commonly referred to as “lightning crotch,” is caused by the pressure of the baby’s head on your nerves.

It’s important to note that these symptoms can vary from person to person, and not everyone will experience them in the same way or at all. Each pregnancy is unique, so embrace any changes you experience while monitoring them for any signs of concern.

For Sally, a soon-to-be mom, her water breaking was the first sign that labor was imminent. She rushed to the hospital with a mix of nervousness and excitement, ready to meet her little one.

Remember to listen to your body and take care of yourself during this stage. Rest when you feel tired, eat smaller meals or snacks instead of large ones due to your crowding uterus, and stay hydrated. Taking naps throughout the day can provide some much-needed respite during this final stretch of pregnancy.

While these symptoms and physical changes might be challenging at times, they are a testament to your body’s incredible ability to carry and nurture life. As we approach the end of this article, let’s briefly touch upon a few additional aspects related to labor and delivery before concluding our discussion.

Water Breaking and Lightning Crotch

As you reach 39 weeks of pregnancy, you may find yourself on high alert for any signs that labor might be imminent. Two common experiences at this stage are water breaking and lightning crotch.

NORMAL If your water breaks, it means that the amniotic sac surrounding your baby has ruptured, and the amniotic fluid is leaking out. This can happen as a sudden gush or a slow trickle. While it is often portrayed dramatically in movies, in reality, only about 15% of women experience their water breaking before contractions begin. If your water breaks, it is essential to contact your healthcare provider and follow their instructions.

EXAMPLE On the other hand, lightning crotch refers to sharp, shooting pains that occur in the pelvic area or vagina. These intense but brief sensations can catch you off guard and might feel like an electric shock. The name “lightning crotch” comes from the suddenness and intensity of these pains. They can be caused by the baby’s head pressing against nerves or cervix dilation. While uncomfortable, they are usually harmless and temporary.

It’s important to note that experiencing either of these symptoms does not necessarily mean that labor is starting or will begin immediately. It’s always best to consult with your healthcare provider if you have any concerns or questions.

  • At 39 weeks of pregnancy, two common experiences to look out for are your water breaking and lightning crotch. If your water breaks, it means the amniotic sac has ruptured, and you should contact your healthcare provider immediately. Lightning crotch refers to intense, shooting pains in the pelvic area or vagina caused by various factors like the baby’s head pressing against nerves or cervix dilation. Remember that experiencing these symptoms does not necessarily indicate labor is starting, so it’s always best to consult with your healthcare provider if you have any concerns or questions.

Energy Spurts and Eating Habits

During these final weeks of your pregnancy journey, you may notice energy spurts and changes in your eating habits. It’s completely normal to experience fluctuations in energy levels as your body prepares for labor.

At times, you may suddenly find bursts of energy when you feel motivated to get things done and prepare for your baby’s arrival. Embrace these moments by fulfilling any last-minute nesting instincts or completing tasks on your to-do list. However, remember to listen to your body’s cues and avoid overexertion. Take breaks, hydrate, and rest when needed.

On the flip side, it’s also common to feel fatigued and in need of extra rest during this stage of pregnancy. Your body is working tirelessly to support your growing baby, and it’s okay to prioritize self-care and relaxation. Take naps or engage in activities that help you unwind and recharge.

In terms of eating habits, you may find that your appetite fluctuates due to the limited space in your crowded uterus. Instead of consuming large meals, consider opting for smaller and more frequent snacks throughout the day. This can help alleviate any discomfort caused by a full stomach pressing against other organs.

Remember to stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water, as dehydration can contribute to fatigue and other pregnancy symptoms. If you have specific dietary concerns or questions, consulting with your healthcare provider or a registered dietitian can provide personalized guidance.

Preparing for Labor and Delivery

As you approach the 39th week of pregnancy, it’s crucial to start preparing for the momentous event of labor and delivery. The imminent arrival of your little one brings a mix of excitement and nerves, but with some thoughtful planning, you can ensure a smoother transition into motherhood.

One important aspect of preparation is creating a birth plan. This document outlines your preferences for labor and delivery, including pain management options, positions for labor, who you want present during the birth, and any special requests. It’s essential to discuss this with your healthcare provider to ensure that your desires align with their recommendations and any hospital policies.

Another key component in preparing for labor and delivery is taking care of yourself physically and mentally. Rest and relaxation are important aspects to consider as your due date approaches. Make time for gentle exercises like walking or prenatal yoga to keep your body in good shape and reduce stress. Additionally, practice deep breathing techniques or mindfulness exercises to help manage anxiety and promote a sense of calm.

Recognizing Signs of Labor

As you inch closer to your due date at 39 weeks pregnant, it’s natural to be on the lookout for signs that labor may be approaching. While each woman’s experience may vary, there are some common indicators that can signal the onset of labor.

One significant sign is the rupture of membranes, often referred to as the breaking of water. This can either occur as a slow trickle or a gush. It’s essential to notify your healthcare provider if this happens.

Other signs include diarrhea or nausea, spurts of energy known as nesting instincts, loss of the mucus plug (a thick discharge from the cervix), and a bloody show (a small amount of blood-tinged mucus). These changes indicate that your body is getting ready for labor.

However, it’s important to note that not all women experience these signs before going into labor. Some may have a spontaneous onset of contractions without any prior indications. It’s essential to trust your body and listen to its cues.

One mom shared her experience of going into labor without any apparent signs beforehand. She woke up in the middle of the night with intense contractions, not having experienced any loss of mucus plug or bloody show. This highlights the unpredictability of childbirth and underscores the importance of being prepared for various possibilities.

By recognizing the signs of labor and preparing yourself physically and mentally, you can approach this exciting yet challenging phase with confidence and readiness. Now let’s delve further into important health considerations and safety precautions to ensure a smooth labor and delivery.

  • At 39 weeks gestation, a baby is typically considered full-term and would likely weigh between 6 to 9 pounds, as suggested by the American Pregnancy Association.
  • A study by Nature Neuroscience (2023) reveals that the brain size of a baby at 39 weeks grows by roughly 30% from four weeks prior.
  • The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence reports that around 50% of women will go into labor spontaneously at or before the completion of the 39th week of pregnancy.

Health Considerations and Safety Precautions

At 39 weeks pregnant, it’s important to prioritize your health and ensure safety precautions are in place as you approach your due date. Keep an eye out for any signs of labor, such as the rupture of membranes, diarrhea or nausea, spurts of energy, loss of mucus plug, or bloody show. If you experience any of these signs or have concerns, don’t hesitate to reach out to your healthcare provider for guidance. Additionally, make sure to attend all scheduled prenatal appointments to monitor your and your baby’s well-being.

It’s crucial to maintain good overall health during this final stretch of pregnancy. Stay hydrated, eat regular and balanced meals, and take naps when needed to keep up your energy levels. Pregnancy-related discomforts like lightning crotch (shooting pains) and a crowded uterus may be present at this stage. If you find that big meals are becoming difficult due to decreased space in your abdomen, opt for frequent snacks throughout the day instead.

One common aspect of late pregnancy is electronic fetal monitoring during labor. This procedure involves placing sensors on your belly to track the baby’s heart rate and monitor their well-being throughout the birthing process. It helps healthcare providers make informed decisions about the progression of labor and ensures the safety of both you and your baby during this critical time.

Emily, a 39-week pregnant woman from California, shares her experience with electronic fetal monitoring during labor. She recalls being initially apprehensive about the procedure but quickly realized its importance in ensuring her baby’s safety. “Although it took some getting used to,” says Emily, “seeing my baby’s heart rate on the monitor provided reassurance that everything was progressing well.”

Remember that every pregnancy is unique, so it’s essential to discuss any specific health considerations or safety precautions with your healthcare provider. They are there to guide you through this exciting yet challenging journey towards welcoming your little one into the world.

Fetal Monitoring and Pain Relief Options

During labor and delivery, fetal monitoring plays a vital role in assessing the well-being of your baby. Healthcare providers use different methods to monitor the baby’s heart rate, contractions, and overall progress. The most common form is electronic fetal monitoring, where sensors are placed on your belly to record the baby’s heartbeat and measure the frequency and intensity of contractions.

Electronic fetal monitoring provides valuable information about your baby’s health and helps detect any potential issues that may arise during labor. By monitoring the heart rate patterns, healthcare providers can identify signs of distress or other abnormalities and take appropriate action if necessary. This procedure allows for continuous assessment, ensuring that your baby receives the care they need during this critical time.

Sarah, a mother who recently gave birth, shares her experience with fetal monitoring during labor. She remembers feeling comforted by the constant updates on her baby’s well-being. “Although I initially worried about being attached to the monitors,” says Sarah, “it was reassuring to know that my healthcare team had real-time information about how my baby was doing throughout the entire process.”

In terms of pain relief options during labor, it’s essential to discuss various methods with your healthcare provider beforehand. Common options include epidurals, which provide targeted pain relief but may have potential side effects and require careful administration by an anesthesiologist. Other options such as nitrous oxide (laughing gas) or IV pain medications may also be available depending on your specific situation.

It’s crucial to address any concerns or questions you have about pain management before labor begins. Your healthcare provider will work with you to create a personalized plan that takes into account your preferences and medical history while prioritizing both you and your baby’s well-being.



